Last October I went to the
Good Sam Show, the "Largest Sales and Exhibits of Dollhouse Miniatures west of the Mississippi". It featured 100 vendors in the ballroom and the foyer had one long row of tables against the wall for the exhibited dollhouses. I really wish I could have taken the
workshops by Peter Tucker and the Guys from Texas workshop, but my schedule did not allow. Next year I will definitely take the Peter Tucker workshop at least. Not unexpected, but the number of modern vendors was 1, Peter Tucker (more in next post). But there were potters, sculptors and other artisans that had some great pieces that span design styles and eras.
William Maranville from Livermore, CA makes these handcrafted turnings and carvings from wood and stone. Bill shared a booth with his wife
Barbara Stanton who does some amazing miniature oil paintings, her work is on her website His contact info is (925) 373-9638 email microangelo (at) There were a few husband/wife teams at the show, which I think is just incredible when couples share the miniatures passion together.

One of these days I hope to pick up one of Bill's sculptures, mini2b got his first one of these. Here are photos Bill sent me of another Steatite Sculpture he handcarved:
Red Dragon Pottery Troy Schmidt from Santa Barbara, CA. My pictures don't do his miniatures justice, but check out his website to see more of his amazing pottery,

Paul and Susan Osze had my favorite exhibits on display: "Steve's Busted Knuckle Garage" and "Judy's Condo: Modern Style Living room with can lighting and separately lit yard"

Paulette Svec I love Paulette's knit sock monkeys, cats and dogs. Her mini animals were so cute, I was inspired to put a nursery in my next house. I won one of the door prizes - Paulette's green cat on the right.

I have more photos but misplaced some of the contact info, so I'll post more later when I find them.