Phillip Nuveen has a new miniature structure with endless potential.

You probably remember Phillip Nuveen from his amazing
PMN086 Highrise. Phillip started making miniatures professionally about a year and a half ago. He has always been a builder, with a love for Legos as a child and making very elaborate buildings and structures.
"The PMN086 structure began as a break from paintings, I had grown restless working in the second dimension and have always wanted a model of some sorts in my home. Almost like a fancy nightlight, which is pretty much what it has become haha. I had been stumbling upon miniature blogs and was almost set to buy a modern mini from a talented artist and I thought I should try making one first. So one day in the early spring of 2012 I simply went and bought raw materials at the usual artists supply stores that I frequent. I had made an informal sketch or two of how I wanted it to look and I got started. And within a few days It started growing vertically, I never really intended it to reach over 6 feet tall but I just went with it. I was having so much fun figuring out the engineering and making everything, the addiction was started. So I worked on the structure diligently over the next few months and voila!"

Since Phillip started in the miniature world his skills keep getting better and more refined. He has designed and built several modern dwellings like his
Minimalist's One Bedroom sold on his
etsy shop. "As soon as I finish a new structure intended for selling I post it to my etsy account. I have recieved requests to remake specific houses again and am happy to do it. I always love making new ideas become real, its just having enough time to do it seems to be an uphill battle. When I get a request I can usually build it with in 2-3 weeks and generally range from $500-$1500. The price really depends on the structure and the amount of furnishings."

Phillip just finished his newest miniature,
The Gallery! "Its been so much fun telling people I'm a gallery owner! Sure its only 14 inches tall but the purpose of it is to actually house exhibitions of artists work. I'll just simply scale down 2 dimensional art work, put it in a minimal frame and curate an exhibition. I have so many talented artist friends lined up to do shows with. From photos you'll never know its a model so i'm hoping it may just boost some peoples careers now that we'll have gallery installation photos of our artwork! Plus in general I think the concept is a scream! I'm very thankful that i'm able to work in this medium, I love it!"
When I see work like Phillip's I'm always curious "how do they do that?" Phillip uses an exacto knife for about 80% of the work. He relies on 3 different types of glues/adhesives. His biggest tool has been learning 3D rendering so he can design furniture that his hands can't make but can be printed and look perfect. "This is such an exciting frontier that I have so many pieces of furniture in the works! Can't wait to perfect them and get them out there and able to buy!"

Next for Phillip is finishing the
Stansted Home. His freelance design projects exploded right after he started and he's hoping to have enough time this spring to finish it. The home will be furnished with some really fabulous 3D printed pieces.
Phillip also has plans to make a Mies Van Der Rohe style office building and a Chanel boutique. "With enough coffee and time on my hands who knows!"
Fore more information or to contact Phillip Nuveen, visit his website at
Keep an eye out for future miniature gallery openings at
(all images provided by Phillip Nuveen phillipnuveen.com)