Well, it's been a long time, but I'm back! This past year has been a whirlwind as I've had several projects keeping me away from blogging. I spent a lot of time styling my dollhouses for photo shoots and magazine interviews. I was featured in
The Dolls' House Magazine Sept 2015 issue,
Bust Magazine Dec/Jan 2016 and
Dolls Magazine March 2016. I'll be posting photos from these interviews over the next few weeks.
Meet The Grown-Ass Ladies Making Tiny Dollhouses": Anna-Maria from
The Shopping Sherpa, Christine from
Call of the Small, Emily from
Go Haus Go and myself were featured in a fantastic article on modern dollhouses written by Johanna Gohmann for BUST Magazine. It's a great read; you can check out the
full article here.
Last month, I had a film crew come to my house to film my collection and interview me for a video series called "My Design Life" for Mode.com. I'll post more on that when the video is released.

For the past 9 years, I had been happily working from home for a small web design company, but my dream job found me and I went back to work full-time again. The new schedule has been quite an adjustment for my family. I'm out of the house by 7am and then back home with the kids at 6:30pm, make dinner, check their homework, and often fall asleep at 9pm when my daughter asks me to cuddle with her. I was exhausted. As it turns out I had cancer. 6 weeks after I started my dream job at Pandora Radio I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I started another blog
Cancer Free Countdown to document my journey and keep family and friends updated. Amazingly, it was stage 1 and the cancer hadn't metastasized. I had a mastectomy in February and just last week I had my final reconstruction surgery.
As much as I'm still obsessed with miniatures, they have definitely taken a back seat. I'm hoping to carve out more time to getting back to blogging as I have a huge backlog of posts to share, but my main goal is getting through recovery and physical therapy to get full mobility back.
I hope you are well and please check back as I'll have more posts with new modern dollhouses on the market and some exciting events to share.