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You may not know, but 3 years ago you could only find minimodernistas on ebay and flickr. I was a huge fan but it was hard to find all of her stuff. I contacted Doris and offered to build her a website. It's been a great ride getting to know Doris (who is now a dear friend), falling in love with her work and expanding my minimodernistas collection, but the website has been a rollercoaster. Unfortunately, the United States Postal Service changes their shipping rates calculator every year. This year they changed the api codes on July 28 without informing us, so the international rates stopped working (right after we sent out her newsletter announcing the Summer Sale). Huge thanks to Lisa Renfroe (yep small world, Lisa from PRDminiatures) for fixing the code and get the shipping caluclator to work again! You are my hero, thanks Lisa for fixing what I couldn't. Shop away, everything is working again. If you have any questions or problems ordering please contact minimodernistas@gmail.com and we'll fix it.
Team work! Happy things are fixed. :-)