"Third prize was both eye-catching and extremely clever. The brother and sister team of Megan and Chris Hornbecker created the perfect pad to propose in. Their photo, entitled, “They Didn’t Have Your Size” stars television characters Nick Cutter from “Primeval” and Amy Pond from “Doctor Who” in the midst of a very interesting proposal. The play of scale and the humor of the scenario is wonderful, and the set is perfection. The addition of lighting through a window and the clever but subtle placement of the rings throughout the room make it a perfect window box for a store, as well as a delightful photograph. The Hornbeckers will receive In Focus and Tonner: Two Decades of Design books from FDQ."
You can buy the Summer 2012 issue of Fashion Doll Quarterly at fashiondollquarterly.net.
(image from Summer 2012 issue of Fashion Doll Quarterly)