
Sunday, February 2, 2020

No More Ads

So hi, it's been awhile. The breast cancer came back and then I had thyroid cancer too. It's been quite a run for the last year but after another 3 surgeries, chemo and radiation, I'm finally cancer free "NED" (No Evidence of Disease - I guess that's what they're calling it these days). Either way, as soon as I recover from the thyroid surgery I can start exercising again and getting healthier.

I have completely neglected this blog, and when I finally logged in, I realized there were a crap ton of ads after every post and in the sidebar. UGH! No more. In my settings I had selected only ads in the sidebar, but Google AdSense must have changed something while I was dealing with my health, and the ads were getting plastered everywhere. Adsense had paid me about $100 every year or so, but having ads all over my blog is just not worth it. So please enjoy my blog without the ads.


  1. Wow sorry you had to go through all that surgery and kemo. Looking forward to when you get back into full swing again.

  2. Oh My God,
    Life is no doll house world I am so glad you are back,gain health and joy!

  3. Happy to have you back Welcome! Take things slowly until you regain full recovery.
    Hugs, Drora

  4. Celebro tu regreso y sobre todo la superación de tus enfermedades.
    Que tengas ganas de volver a este mundillo es la mejor señal de que tu animo es maravilloso.

    Un saludo

  5. You've certainly had a heckof lot to deal with regarding your health and so I'm happy to hear that your treatment has been successful: Welcome Back!!! ❤️

  6. I am so glad you are NED!!! THat is wonderful. I hope your health continues to improve. We missed you.

  7. What a lot to go through! So glad to read that you are now NED Mini Dork :-) I hope the rest of the year continues as happily ❤️

  8. Wow! Glad to hear you're better. It always makes me smile to see a post from you. :D Wishing you fabulous days ahead!


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