
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Earth and Tree Miniatures

Earth and Tree Miniatures is kind of like dollhouse Mecca for me. My first modern dollhouse was The Antrim that I purchased from them in November 2007 (only 12 kits were made). Earth and Tree Miniatures is a family run company that is not only a miniature shop but they also make and design their own dollhouses and a line of doors and windows. All of the houses at Earth and Tree were originally designed by Kari's husband, Tom Berkner (Tom's Mill). He named all of his houses after towns in New Hampshire. Tom passed away in 2005. Kari's son-in-law Ryan now builds the kits and houses for the company. Tom had designed so many houses that after he passed they had to eliminate a few of his designs from production. The Antrim is no longer available, but Earth and Tree continues to sell one of my favorite contemporary dollhouses, the Merrimack, inspired by a house in Minnesota.

My trip to Mecca involved another hour and a half drive on our way to the airport to leave beautiful New Hampshire. Luckily, there was a coffee shop across the street, so I was able to ditch my mister and the kids for a quick shopping excursion. The biggest treat was having Meagan of drive an hour each way to meet me (yes, she's alive! She's doing great, just busy and working on other projects, but hopefully she'll be back in the mini world soon).

Earth and Tree Miniatures blew my mind. It's huge; the largest miniatures shop I've seen! 3,000 square feet to be exact. I was able to meet Kari's daughter, JaNeen, who was running the shop that day along with her adorable 6-yr old son that made us free pass tickets to come back anytime (it's always free to shop there, but it was really cute that he made us tickets). The shop is amazing, they have everything you can think of for your miniature needs. In every room there are finished dollhouses that you can shop right out of. They have dollhouse furniture and miniature accessories in 1" scale and half inch and quarter inch scale. They have a ton of building supplies, lighting supplies, landscaping supplies. If I had more room in my luggage I would have purchased some of their great flooring, but luckily they sell online so I know where to buy (it's just always nice to see in person). I only had an hour but easily could have spent all day looking at everything. Here are the minis I bought that I could fit in my purse. If you are every near New Hampshire, Earth and Tree Miniatures is a MUST visit stop.

Earth and Tree Miniatures and Dollhouses
276 Route 101 #1
Amherst, NH 03031
603-673-8707 phone
603-673-0175 fax


  1. What fun! One of the great things about shopping minis is they can fit right in your purse.LOL

  2. The Merrimack is one of my favorites.

  3. Hey...just a quick question. Will you have the set of cubes for sale on Shapeways? I'd love to buy a set. ;-)

    1. Ack how did I miss this? Sorry, my blog got attacked by spammers and I had over 100 spam comments over a few days. Just catching up. The kids start school in 2 days, so I'm hoping I can finally make some time to get my store fixed. Yes, I'll get them up soon. :D


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