
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

MiPad in Black & White

The 3rd anniversary of MinisModernas scene contest was extended from June 15th to the end of the month, so there is still time to enter. Check out the details from Rosa on

This is the start for my entry for the contest and my first time working in the MiPad: Black & White Loft. I still need to find art and a rug or two. I plan on trying out different themes in the MiPad. For this one, I envision a "Sex in the City" vibe. An upscale loft for a single professional lady needing a break from the big city life.

Yes realistically, a shower and kitchen sink separated by a bamboo partition is probably not the most hygienic, but under the stairs was the most privacy I could find for the loo.

More pictures coming as I add the final details.

Deets: MiPad and bathroom suite (tub, toilet, bidet, shower, sink) from MIAIM Miniatures. Bed, linens, Uno Sofa, pillows, mirror, desk accessories, book are PRD Miniatures. Dining table, Hexa side table, black vase on desk, partition are by me Modern Minis. Custom chairs are from Minimagine. Kitchen and shelf are from ebay. Working lamp is Tiny Tim Book Light. Accessories are Kaleidoscope House, Mighty World, lilu miniatures and


  1. Loving that black and white! We can imagine a glass between the loo and the kitchen. Now more hygienic!

    1. Thanks! I'm still working on a partition that has more privacy so we'll see what I come up with. :D

  2. This combination of B&W is very modern, chic, exciting and stylish! Thanks for showing! Beautiful house.

    1. Thanks Ilona. :D It's a fun space to work with.

  3. Very nice! I'm amazed at just how much you fit into the space (and it works!) I had seen the book light in a local store and its really cool to see it used in a mini space. Great work, can't wait to see the final result. :)

    1. Thanks Kristine. The book lights are fun. I have them in black and red and the work well with 1:12 scale.

  4. I like it very much, I dont think I could live there cause Im a messy type of person and everything would turn a shade of grey (cause of the cat and dog..yea thats what I'll tell people) I hope you find your rugs *you could do theme rugs like green/brown for earth and then texture the ceiling with light blue for sky with your rooms being the cloud*..good luck on the contest :)

    1. Ha! Yes, I am too messy to live here as well. Originally when I got the IKEA Lekman I wanted to do different themes with that space, but it's really just one room, so a bit limiting. With this MiPad, it's fun to work with a whole studio apartment. I like the earth theme idea. I'll add that to my list. :)

  5. I love black and white! This is great--modern at its best. :)

    1. Thanks Ronda! I love your work, I have you listed on my where to buy page. I didn't realize you had a blog. I love your HO collection. The swimming pool you made is awesome!!

  6. Awesome space planning at work! So very sleek! Good luck in the contest!

  7. Hi there, it all looks so crisp in black and white, lovely. I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

    1. Welcome Chris. I'm hoping to post more now that the kids are out of school for the summer, but we'll see how crazy it gets.

  8. Just as I expected it looks amazing with furnuture i'm still deciding on what to do but i'm shure I can work something out!

    1. Thanks Mandy!! (I really am still working on our swap, albeit unbelievably slow, almost done)


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