
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too?

As part of the January Cure (Assignment 6: Choose a piece of artwork to frame & get the process started for framing it), I made a trip to IKEA to get the needed picture frames for two pieces of artwork we're framing. I saw the Lekman box is now available in solid white, and at only $12.99 I couldn't resist picking one up. It makes a great mini studio space.

The de-cluttering and cleaning process is coming along. I tackled the kids art table and the backyard, and figured I deserved a break. I set up the Lekman box and cut a piece of wood grain contact paper (shelf liner) for flooring. I had done a swap with Pepper but one of the items and a lamp broke at the time, but her swap was better than mine so I figured we were even. Pepper completely surprised me with a wonderful Christmas package stuffed with mini presents (and chocolates that I gobbled up right away). The Lekman Box seemed the perfect place to showcase her incredible work.

Deets: Pepper, MitchyMooMiniatures - red chaise, floor lamp, wood framed mirror, rug, coffee table, credenza, table lamp, and luggage (I will find the artisan that made these, I know she's mentioned her on her blog, I just couldn't find at time of posting). minimodernistas - sofa, pillows. PRD miniatures - books. Accessories - craft store, show finds and Kaleidoscope House accessories.


  1. This is quite lovely! I love all these pieces. I'm going to have to work on adding lighting to my mini scenes. I just hate working with the wires to hide and route them. I know they have battery powered lights but the designs out there are rather awful.

    1. Pepper is amazing! I know what you mean about wires. I think Paris has something in the works that will be right up your alley. ;)

  2. This room looks great! Love the chaise.

    1. Thanks. :D The chaise is pretty grand. If I had one in real life, I'd like to think I'd stretch out and enjoy a good book, but it looks so comfy I'd more likely just take a nap.

  3. Big ups to you and Pepper! I love this room, it's so masculine sleek! Good to know the Lekman now comes in white, I thought you had cut out white paper.

    1. Thanks Beany. Pepper rocks! I've actually wanted to pick up a Lekman box at IKEA for years, as I love what everyone (YOU!) do with them, but the translucent sides seemed like too much work to cover up all of the time. When I saw it in white I snatched one up and ran home to fill it with mini goodness. I hope to use it more to showcase new minis. :D


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