
Monday, January 21, 2013

DWR ups the ante, delays announcement

I am 99.9% sure my chair is not in the top 10 for the DWR Champagne Chair Contest. Seriously, look at this competition. BUT, on twitter DWR told callsmall they are narrowing it down to 15 and announcing winners today. I think her chaise might make it in the top 15. Knock on wood cork. Still waiting to find out who the winners are.

Missed it by that much

I had every intention of entering the Greenleaf 2012 Spring Fling Contest, but didn't get past the design stage. I'm still planing to bash two of these kits when I find the time. The contest ended back in September, but I wanted to share some of my favorites. It's really inspiring seeing what people came up with from this kit.

All of the 42 entries can be seen here on Greenleaf's forum here.

Keli's Michigan Lake Cottage (iseecerulean) was one of my favorites. I loved how she repurposed a bunch of Lundby furniture giving it a fresh new look, and I love her color palette. Check out that origami lighting fixture over the dining table. I was really surprised she didn't win. Her landscaping and plants are spectacular, many made from kits and others she created from scratch. Check out more interior photos of her sunroom here. The kitchen is really impressive. Visit her blog to see how she created the backsplash by punching out tiles from paint sample cards, brilliant, check it out here. The yard is spectacular and I love her cork floors. Check out this post with the full exterior photos of the cottage. The 3rd picture of the living room with the view of the water in the background is my absolute favorite from all of the entries.

Brae's Aero Squadron Lounge ( won third place, I'm guessing because the three photos you're allowed to submit just can't capture the unbelievable amount of details Brae packs into such a small space. Check out all of the photos here, and be prepared to drool. If you're not following her blog, you really should, it is a never ending resource of brilliant ideas, how tos, great tips and ideas for building miniatures. The amount of time she spends creating her masterpieces is impressive, but the amount of time she spends blogging and sharing her knowledge is truly inspiring. You can spend days there. Brae has an etsy shop as well. And check out the Artist's Studio she's doing for the Undersized Urbanite Contest.

I would love to decorate the interior of this beauty by Mike Biffin. I love the two story kit bashing design he came up. I would love to see more interior photos. Does anyone know if Mike has a blog?

Krin? This is embarrassing, but I could use a little help here. I follow her blog, but I can't find it. Can someone please send her blog's name? I was watching her progress on her artist's studio and I would love to see more pictures. I love the grit and starving artist look that she's created.

I love the roof design on Tim & Brigitte Hostetter's creation. I'd like to see more photos of this one too.

April's Asahi Tea House won first place. These photos make me realize how much the background setting can really highlight your house. The trees, fence and backyard in 1:1 really compliment the 1:12 design, great set location.

In all of these contests there is always one that stands out to me, that I give the "What the... ?" award to. Congrats, Wendy Cole, not in a million years would I have come up with this design. Very creative. I love the water and would love to see more interior photos. I could see myself vacationing here.

I'm curious what the 2013 Spring Fling kit has in store for us, but until that's announced have fun looking at the 2012 entries here (or click the Gallery button to check out all of the past contests - a few modern ones sneak in)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jazzi is 50!?!?!?

I'm often surprised at different bloggers ages. Well I can't really believe Jazzi is turning 50, but super congrats to her on half a century. Go check out her birthday give away at, I bet it's going to be good.

Happy Birthday Mz. Jaz!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

And the DWR winners are...

...NOT ME!!!

Okay, so here is my entry to the DWR Champagne Chair Contest. The deadline to enter was yesterday, and winners will be announced on January 28th. It took me about 2 hours to cut the cork and straighten and re-shape the wire.

Callsmall entered a really cool chaise, you can see here. Studio7 entered a cool directors chair, check it out here. Linda did some great wire work here. I haven't checked everyone else's blogs yet, but did anyone else enter the contest?

I had a few different ideas for more modern chairs, but I had a hard time implementing. Straigthening and bending the wire was the trickiest part for me. Here are the good, the bad and the ugly shots of my "Squared" chair.

Here are just a couple of the stiff competition this year. Visit the DWR Champagne Chair Contest website to see all of the entries at (Keep checking back as they are still adding yesterday's entries. I entered at 12:30pm yesterday and mine wasn't added to the site until this morning.)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

And the Winners are...

Here are the results from my 5 day giveaway. For each giveaway, I entered the number of comments at and then generated a random number. I counted the comments from the top down, and here are the winners...

1. Neomi

2. elbey

3. callsmall

4. Marja-Leena

5. The Shopping Sherpa

Please send me your mailing addresses to modernminifan @ (remove the spaces).

Thank you to everyone for reading and commenting over the last 5 years. I appreciate all of the comments and emails, they motivate me to keep going with the blog. Much more to come this year!