
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Saying goodbye is never easy

I was vacationing with family when I got the call that Chod died. 5 days earlier I stood in his kitchen holding his hand as he thanked me and said he couldn't have finished the book without me. I wanted to hug him but his body had gotten so frail, I just held his hand in both of mine while we talked and promised I'd come see him upon my return. Mentally, he was all there, but his body could no longer compete with multiple myeloma cancer. Writing and publishing his book was one of his greatest accomplishments. He was able to hold the finished book in his hands and it brought him happiness and a sense of peace in his final days that he was leaving this world in a better place. I'm so proud to have been a part of it and feel honored to have had him in my life, I just wish I could have had one final goodbye.


  1. Oh I'm so sorry to hear the sad news sweets. I know it was expected but it doesn't make it any less painful when it happens. With your help, your friend has left a legacy that will live on. You have every right to be proud of what you both achieved

    Mini hugs =0(

  2. You both were able to celebrate a huge accomplishment during your last visit. There could not have been a more perfect goodbye.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. That is a beautiful memory to cherish. Hugs for you.

  4. My prayers are with you. I am so sorry for your loss.

  5. You have both given each other a wonderful gift. I know he will be missed.

  6. So sorry for your loss have left his family a wonderful memory...hugs xx

  7. Thank you all so much for the virtual hugs and support. It helps. :)

  8. Oh Megan, I'm sorry to hear this. He was lucky to have you as one of his angels. Thinking of you.

  9. Megan, my condolences to you and his family. Take some consolation in the fact that you helped him achieve an important accomplishment. Thinking of you.


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