
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Refreshing swap from studio7

Several months ago I commented on Alisa's blog (Mini*Aesthetics) that I'd love to do a swap with her. We'd agreed on mid-June with a "green" theme. With everything going in my life, it was so refreshing to open her swap and be welcomed back to miniland. While trying to hone in my style, she noticed I have more houses than bathrooms and so she made this modern bathroom suite for me. It will be perfect in my KHouse. How cool is that pedestal sink? More pictures to come when I set the ensemble. I was quite jealous of her vintage Eames fabric find and was thrilled to see it in the box. Plus, Alisa made really cool pillows to fit my PRD Miniatures M.U.T.T. bench. Along with a bunch of fun accessories and a clever coffee table, I'm really inspired to start decorating with these. THANK YOU ALISA!!!


  1. Oooo so glad you love it! It was fun to make and a welcomed challenge to see what I could do for the girl who's got every-Mini-thing. Welcome home from vacay...and happy decorating ; )

  2. So COOL and Beautiful!
    Love it!

  3. Swanky new swag! Love the pedestal sink, and that fabric!


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