
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

AFTER: Rooftop Modified

Long story short. Modern MC asked for suggestions on how to build a 1:12 version of the ModFire. Pepper built her this and made us this fabulous tutorial. I'm still intimidated by metal (and I'm lazy) so after threatening to steal the one tinyfixation built, Meagan offered to make me one, and ensued the beginning of a beautiful friendship (more on that this weekend). Meagan didn't just make me one, she lit it on fire, literally. I'm still in shock at how life like the "flame" really looks.

So out with the old and in with the new, it was renovation time. I installed a new deck and poured some concrete for the fire pit area. A modfire this nice needs a big stinkin' pool. Now this rooftop is ready to party. Bring your suits, drinks are on me!

Deets: Modfire, amazing fire element and cord wood from tinyfixation. ornaments, igloo chairs and reed chairs are from Pillows on white igloo chairs are made by me from fabric sold on Spoonflower by ollipoppies. Pillows on grey reed chairs are minimodernistas. Ribb chaise loungers PRD Miniatures, along with large verde plant. Chrome side tables by lounge chairs, IKEA drawer pulls. Brown block end tables by HBS/ iPad by lilushop on etsy. "Concrete" under modfire are laminent tile samples from Amtico International. Magazines are X10NY. Accessories are Mighty World and Re-Ment. Topiaries are gift from mini2b, can be purchased in sets as photo/place card holders online.


  1. Wow! Love all of it Megan! The fire is very impressive. Love the Ikea side tables...I've packed my bathers, will be there in oh 24 hours? Hope to hear from you soon! xx

    1. Replying to emails is next on my list. :P Yours is near the top of my inbox so in the next few days for sure! Love the pictures you sent. More soon. :D

  2. Winnebago's packed. You said drinks were your treat...

    I LOVE the pool and concrete patio area. It really makes the modfire and white chairs pop. And you're right, those pillows are off-the-heezee. I might be copying you for my entire rooftop deck.

    And the Ribb-umbrella-topiary area?! Please. You're killing me. Gimme a Tom Collins and a towel. Hold all my calls.

    1. If you drive out here, drinks, dinner and showers are one me. (Not literally on me for the last one though). Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; copy away as I plan to steal a ton of your ideas anyway! More coming soon.

  3. be basking by the pool in those PRD chairs by day and lounging in front of the modfire by night. What a life! Love it! I also love the pillows and sculptures you sent, they are FAB! Thanks so much!!!!!!!

    1. Glad you like them. I'll send you more info on the pillows. You're also on my reply list. :P

  4. Wow, the set-up is wonderful!! Okay the lit up fire is pretty amazing! Want!

    1. I think Meagan will definitely have to add the "fire" to her etsy shop when she opens it. It truly is amazing.

  5. It looks absolutely wonderful! I think I could lounge under the umbrella for hours... I agree with TinyFixation, but make mine a Pina Colada!

    The little fire looks fantastic! It really does appear like a real flame.

    1. If you like Pina Coladas and getting lost in the rain...

      What is really cool is the light actually flickers so it looks like "the roof is on fire". D'oh, I can't believe I didn't think to use that Bloodhound Gang song for the title.

  6. Great ModFire! Keep an eye on it!!You live about 7 minutes away so I'm sure I can plan a heist...(evil laugh)Hee Hee HA HA HAR
    The rooftop is delightful.

    1. They are definitely heist worthy. I think Meagan can be convinced to make more. :P
      If that Nomad House doesn't get "delivered," you know where to find it. ;)

    2. Okay---that made me laugh out loud.

  7. c'est superbe ! les fauteuils, et la cheminée, tellement réaliste.

  8. Oooo, the pool water looks so inviting! A magnificent makeover, just in time for Cinco de Mayo. I'm hopping' on TinyFixations Winnebago and coming west. I'll take a frozen margarita please. It can't be said too many times how much TinyFixation hit the ModFire and it's flames out of the park.

    1. Road trip!!! Yup, a serious homerun with the ModFire's fire. :D I'll make sure I get maragrita mix too. ;)

  9. Wow, I wish my patio looked like this! Cool blog.

  10. Awesome blog...
    I love this type of area like a mini house...


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