
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Betsy McCall Dollhouse for sale in NY

Last year Melissa sent me pics of a renovated house that she found on Craigslist for $25, and thanks to all of you we found out it was made from the Betsy McCall Dollhouse No. 150W Do-it-yourself plans. Another reader, Laurie, has one she is looking to sell so if anyone is in the Long Island, NY area and interested in restoring a mid-century modern house, drop me a line and I'll send you her contact info.

Her doll house was built by her next door neighbor from the McCall's pattern when she was a kid. He made one for his daughter, too. Her's is a mirror image of the pattern (to make them different) except that the carport is still on the left. It's only partially finished. Much of the furniture is Petite Princess Fantasy furniture (and she found a few of the original boxes for those). The rest is assorted and Laurie doesn't recall where it's from. I particularly liked the little black rocking chair with flowers and the folding table and chairs in the kitchen. It's too big to ship, so local pick up only in Long Island in NY. Email me and I'll send you Laurie's contact info if you are interested in the house.


  1. I am interested.

    lemoncadet at gmail dot com


  2. This is the same mid century dollhouse I restored! I just love it! It's pretty long but fits on a sofa table perfectly. Melissa

  3. I just wrote an article in Doll's Houses past and Present about a very similar house. You can see it at this link: ""
    Note: cut and past everything between the quotation marks (but nor the quotation marks)


  4. This is wonderful! I love mini modern! So glad I found your blog today!

  5. It is exciting to see this house. I got a similar house at a neighbor's yard sale about 16 years ago (in Nampa, Idaho). I restored it and built all the furniture to make it a 1970ish house. I didn't know the dollhouse was from plans. Love having found your site.

  6. Beth, sorry callsmall got to it first, I wish I could have had it too, but the shipping would have been ridiculous.

    Hey Melissa, I knew you'd recognize it!

    Shale! Thanks for the link to your great article. The pop up comment box cuts off the link so click here to read it if you couldn't get the link to work.

    Plushpussycat Welcome! Glad you found and are enjoying my blog. :)

    Idahogirl82 Do you still have your house? Please send me pictures, I'd love to share them! modernminifan @ gmail . com (remove the spaces)

    mini smiles,

  7. love these ! Reminds me of the homes in the town I grew up in (Park Forest) I am looking for one of these doll houses or even the pattern to have someone make one for me.


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