
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fascinating Contest

My mouth dropped when I saw the cover of latest Hobby Builders Supply catalog. Inspired by a burger joint from a converted gas station in Atlanta, Ernie decided to create this kit for the HBS annual contest. I see nothing but modern potential out of this kit. I'm thinking I just might enter.

At three feet wide and more than two feet deep, there is a lot of potential. Maybe add a second floor, or move the entrance to the open back. My head is spinning with possibilities. Top prizes are gift certificates to HBS/ Even without the contest, this could be a fun project. Deadline for entry is Dec. 16, 2011. Anyone else inspired?

Fascination Station
Price: $127.00
36"W x 12"H x 26 1/2"D
For delivery outside the US contact 1.800.223.7171 or

HBS 18th Annual Creatin' Contest details here

(images from and


  1. I just received their catalog and was thinking the same thing....but I have to sell a couple of my dollhouses (for lack of room!) before I could purchase one of these! I see big living room windows and an open concept floor plan. I would also add an upper level for bed and bath. sigh.

  2. I have that last photo saved in my inspiration file. Love the pool!
    Would love to join the contest but the house is too pricey for me. Hope you do enter! Would love to see what you do with this!

  3. I am officially in. I just ordered mine, but Atlanta is still on shut down with all of the snow, but hopefully it will ship soon. If you are on their email list, they had a one use only %25 off coupon ending today. So with shipping I paid $104.

    They usually have 10-15% coupons on the back of the their catalog, which drops it down a bit too.

    Now if only I can sneak it in the house past my hubby.

  4. Yay! Cannot wait to see your entry. One year someone won by taking the kit and making an archeological dig. Very outside the box. C

  5. Just received the newsletter and the Fascination House is now on sale for $63.50 using the code in their newsletter.

  6. D'oh! I saw that tonight. 50% for a limited time. The email does say "Forward email" so email me if you would like me to forward you the discount. modernminifan (at)


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