
Saturday, May 15, 2010

It finally begins...

Day 1. So, it only took 2 1/2 years for this poor kit to come out of the box. I was making zero progress with the new roof on the house my mom built, so I packed it up and dragged out the discontinued Antrim dollhouse kit I bought from Earth and Tree Miniatures in 2007 (sorry, I got the last one). I am thoroughly impressed with the cuts of the wood and the instructions from Tom's Mill, Amherst, NH. So far, it seems like they make really quality kits.

I decided to paint before assembling the house. I have read mixed reviews on whether or not to paint first, so I will definitely let you know if I made the right decision. For some reason I forgot to read how many square feet one can of spray paint can cover (14 sq ft), so I had to run back to the store for more. It took 4 cans of primer to cover all 30 pieces of wood front and back. Now I have to wait 24 hours to dry before painting. Seeing as this is taking up my whole garage, I have a more motivation to finish so I can have my parking spot back. More to come...


  1. Good for you! Sometimes the hardest part is getting is gorgeous! Can't wait to see how it progresses.

  2. Slowly, slowly. Can't wait to start on the interior.


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