
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Scenario Selection room boxes

I had found Barbeque with Friends on a different website last year but just stumbled across all of the other cool stuff by Antje and Günther Walthur on their website If you have half an hour, head over and check out their designs. Maybe it's me, but the site was a little slow to load the images, so you'll need 20-30 minutes to check everything out. Worth it! Here are a few of my faves.

City Apartment, 2005
with two working TFT-Sets with sound (tv and fireplace)

Seaside Apartment, 2006
also with two working TFT-Sets with sound

Kitchenette, 2009
I love the bike/people/car silhouette artwork on the wall.

Loung II Viola Style, 2009
I LOVE the use of beads to fill the glass vases and as candle stick holders on the coffee table. I also love the back wall art work. Great ideas!

(images from


  1. Oh how nice that you discovered this nice site. I had a link to it on my blog for month.
    When I visited my first miniature fair in this summer, I only searched for modern minis - hard to find.
    But I succeded and met a very nice couple, they didn't allow me to make fotographs, but told me, they have a website with free downloads. They were very nice and we had a wonderful talk. They work together on the miniatures, it is their hobby after work!!!!
    I enjoy theses boxes!

  2. These roomboxes are so great!
    I have visited their website earlier after reading about it on Oese's blog. But as you say, the pages were a bit slow, so it was nice to see some of their work her as well! Thanks for sharing!


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