
Monday, December 16, 2013

Final countdown for MiPad Doll’s House

3 days left!!! Elaine Shaw's "MiPad Doll’s House for Adult Collectors and Children" is on it's last call for funding. Check out all of the details on her kickstarter page here:

Elaine is trying to encourage people to do what they want to do in life, not what they think they have to do. "Many people find it hard to decide what they want to do in life. I believe you should do what you are good at for a living because it's probably what you love. The more you love it, the more you want to practice it, the more you practice, the better you become at it and we all WANT you to do what you're best at because you'll do a better job at it than something you don't like. It's your gift and your duty to share it with the world." - Elaine Shaw

Elaine's first Clearview Dollhouse, that sold almost 100 houses, was a great learning curve and helped her to address many pieces of this new design. The MiPad is easier to assemble, has less wastage with the window frame cut outs, faster packaging for shipping, and is customizable with many gorgeous designs to choose from for each floor. This can truly be your dream dollhouse with even more designs in the works. I hope Elaine continues to do what she loves as she is sooo good at! Don't we all want a dollhouse this amazing!?!?

Read more here